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As you prepare to move somewhere new, you have a long list of tasks that you’ll need to complete before moving day. Sometimes, these hurdles feel neverending, as though you can’t possibly reach the finish line in the distance. After all, with so much to get done, you might feel like it isn’t feasible to finish everything in time. Luckily, with the right process, you can successfully do everything you need to do with as little stress as possible. All it takes is the proper know-how to make the task of packing and moving much simpler. Are you searching for the best way to make your move painless and straightforward? Discover our ten tips for your easiest move ever!
1. Declutter first
The first order of business before your big move is to complete a thorough declutter. This deep-cleaning, purging process will make a huge difference in your move as a whole and set the tone for how packing will proceed. Decluttering first and foremost is the most effective way to decrease the time and energy you’ll need to spend packing (and unpacking!). You can divide your items into four categories: donate, sell, trash, and keep.
One room at a time, move through your house assessing which of your belongings aren’t making the cut to be brought to your new digs. Much of your clutter will likely be in places such as closets or drawers, but you may also have furniture or other items out that you no longer want or need, so it’s best to declutter them now so you don’t need to go through the trouble of packing them.
A major problem people tend to face while eliminating clutter from their space is their sentimentality around specific items. Most people have at least a few items that they hold onto for sentimental value – which is completely understandable. The issue occurs when people refuse to get rid of anything due to that reason. Try to be honest with yourself, and enlist the help of friends and family to keep you honest if you’re struggling.
2. Create a checklist
The best way to make sure none of your tasks – big or small – slip through the cracks is to create a to-do list of what needs to be accomplished in the coming months for the move. Having this list to refer back to as you go about your relocation will be extremely helpful, keeping you on track. When creating this list, it’s best to place time-sensitive items near the top so you’re sure to get them done in a timely manner. Especially because you have a lot to do during this hectic time, a mental list probably isn’t going to cut it now. Being able to check items off this list and add them as they come up is a great way to stay organized as you prepare to move.
3. Give yourself time
Even if you tend to procrastinate, resisting the urge to wait until the last minute for anything related to packing and moving is critical for a successful, stress-free process. Once you’ve created your moving checklist where you’ve gathered all your upcoming tasks, you can get an idea of what your timetable will look like for the coming weeks or months. You can be as specific or as vague as you’d like, but regardless of your style, it’s best to have some sort of a timeline. If anything on your list has a strict deadline, be sure to note that clearly so you don’t let it slip through the cracks.
As you begin handling the items on your list, the key is to give yourself as much time as you can to complete everything. The more time you have, the more you’ll be able to do these tasks in small, manageable chunks, rather than rushing right before moving day. Not only does this make the process feel much less overwhelming, but it also allows you to complete your tasks more effectively and in an organized fashion.
4. Contact people early
When you relocate, you have a whole laundry list of contacts who need to be alerted about your move and your change of address. Waiting to contact these people and organizations can cause hiccups in your move, potentially causing unforeseen issues or unexpected fees that could be otherwise avoided. As you make this list, remember to include the following:
Your utilities may include, but aren’t limited to:
Be sure to contact your utility providers at your current home about a month in advance to schedule when your service will be discontinued, and contact your new providers with about the same notice to have your services turned on. Then, reach out to both parties about a week before your move to confirm the dates and times for your service, especially if a technician will be required in person.
5. Invest in assistance
Although there are plenty of ways to do it yourself when it comes to making your packing and moving processes easier, investing in certified moving professionals is a surefire way to simplify your move. If possible, invest some of your moving budget into seeking out local moving services who can offer options to help you with their expertise and experience. You can even acquire assistance from professional packing services! This is especially helpful for rooms where you have items that need a lot of protective packaging, such as electronics. These services can save you a lot of time and frustration.
6. Use the right supplies
Using high-quality supplies when packing is crucial to ensuring your belongings stay in the best condition possible while being transported. Before you pack, make sure to acquire the following items:
Make sure you have a sufficient amount – more than you even estimate needing. Although you may think you don’t need that much, it’s much better to have some extra supplies than to run short while you’re trying to finish packing.
7. Handle one room at a time
Moving experts unanimously agree that moving from room to room is the perfect way to handle packing your home. Taking your time and working methodically yields the best results, allowing you to pack in an organized manner instead of throwing items into boxes chaotically. Begin in one corner of your house, ideally in a room that doesn’t have items you’ll need to wait to pack. After that, move systematically through the rest of the house. This method also prevents you from packing items from different rooms in one box. Although this may not seem like an issue, it can become confusing to find items when unpacking if you do this.
8. Pack compactly
This tip may sound like you should stuff as much as possible into your boxes, but that isn’t what it means. In fact, you don’t want to overstuff your boxes in this way – it will only make them heavy and awkward to carry. Instead, pack strategically so your boxes are all compact inside (and compactly positioned within the moving truck). You’ll want your items, especially your fragile ones, to be properly reinforced to restrict movement as much as possible while everything is in transit.
If an item is heavy, make sure to protect it with something lightweight so you prevent movement but minimize the weight as much as possible. You can use protective items like bubble wrap or packing paper, but you can also use soft items from your household such as blankets, towels, sweaters, or even pillows.
9. Stay organized
Being as organized as you can is a significant element of a successful move. Especially when you’re packing, be sure to have an organizational system in place. At its simplest, this entails thoroughly labeling your boxes on numerous sides with lots of detail.You’ll want to avoid writing vague labels on your boxes, instead adding more specifics so you’re able to find your items easily when you arrive at your new residence.
You can also create an item inventory while you pack. This masterlist will help you to keep track of which items correspond to which box. This may make the packing process longer, but it will make unpacking a breeze.
10. Keep your essentials separate
On moving day, it’s best practice to keep an essentials box by your side for any items you’ll need during the process or immediately when you arrive at your new home. This includes toiletries, towels, medications, a change of clothes, and valuables like laptops and tablets. You may also want to have kitchen items available so you have things like plates, utensils, cups, and snacks available to you as soon as you arrive. After all, you’re bound to be hungry after a long day of hard work! Make sure you keep track of this bag as you go about your day.
With these ten simple steps, you can transform your move from a source of anxiety to a piece of cake. Say goodbye to nightmarish moves, and say hello to moving like a pro! And if you’re looking for help from the real pros, request a move quote from Moving Services Inc. Family owned and operated for over 40 years, Moving Services Inc. is committed to delivering the highest quality moving and packing solutions to customers. Find out how we can assist you today!