Serving The Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana Area With Two Local Locations in Mokena, IL and Crown Point, IN
Moving your business can be a challenging and stressful task, but the right preparation and assistance can make it much easier. There are many reasons why one would feel the need to move their business. Whether that reason is a need for a new environment, a larger space, or a place that would save you money, it is a big venture that requires a well thought out plan and in most cases trained professionals.
Depending on the business you are moving, a big corporation or a small business, each move has specific differences that an experienced moving company like Moving Services Inc. can provide assistance for. Some of Moving Services Inc.’s special services include moving commercial equipment and large amounts of office supplies that one could not do on their own.
Although Moving Services Inc. provides much assistance with the labor of moving your business, there are many tasks the business owner must be sure to do. Here are some must-dos and moving tips for your business.
The first step to moving your business is obviously to find the location of your move. Finding a new location can be the most difficult step. Considering the business contains multiple employees, it is always a good idea to assign a group of your employees to research potential places that would be suitable for a move. In cases where none of your employees have experience with finding a new space, a real estate agent will come in handy. There are specific needs for every business location. For example, if your business relies on foot-traffic, you will have to look at locations where that is relevant.
This step is very important. Your employees are crucial to the success of your company, so making sure the location works for everyone or the majority is necessary. During the moving process it is important to update your employees on moving information. This will allow them to also plan for the future move. Always consider the needs of your employees as well. Ask yourself questions like: Will this location be accessible to all? Is there enough parking for my employees? Etc.
When considering moving your business, it is important to evaluate the benefits of leasing a space versus investing in buying a space. You will want to assess the future growth of your business and make sure you have the room for future expansion. You would not want to sign off on a multi-year lease, or purchase a building if your business shows signs of potential growth within the first year where you would need more employees and a bigger space.
It is not free to move your business. Make sure the company is ready to pay moving expenses as well as rent. A helpful way to stay organized is to create a moving budget with your business beforehand. Costs of moving can include: packing supplies, storage accessories, hiring help, in addition to the build out of the new space and the cost of time away from your business during the move.
You will most likely have furniture or office supplies to move. You will need a professional team to assist the move safely, especially with large items. It helps to review multiple moving companies for a smooth move. Moving Services Inc. is a great choice!
It is vital to consider all the new technology, furniture, and other equipment for the new place. If you are increasing your business space and employees make sure to account for new equipment suitable for your space and time the order appropriately for the move. You do not want to have a ready space and have to wait months for your new equipment. If you are downsizing make sure to have a local storage unit to store extra supplies.
Depending on your business, signage can be very important. With moving your business you have to attract new customers and a new effective business sign can really boost your business. New business cards are also important to consider. As well as a new sign, a new card style can be taken advantage of to give your company a fresh look since you will have to update new information such as the address of your new location.
This is a very important step with moving a business. Depending on your business, you must make all your clients or customers aware of the move. Notify the clients with the new address and any other important information through communication methods like blast emails, phone calls, newspapers, etc. A good way to do this as well is to update your business’s website with the new address and let them know the business has moved. If needed, keep your customers updated on the moving process through social media and advertise the opening day. This can also be helpful if anything goes wrong and you need to get the word out about a delayed opening.
Don’t forget to submit a Change of Address form to the IRS. You must notify them if you have a new mailing address, location, or new business name.
Not all Landlords cover damaged goods within a business. It is important to communicate the insurance policy with your landlord. Some landlords might even require you to have business insurance in order to move into their building. If this is the case, finding business insurance from a reliable source is necessary.
Now that you have reviewed some crucial steps and tips for moving your business you are ready to move! Though this process can be a headache, with the right team and help you can be ensured for a smooth move.
Contact us today at Moving Services Inc. or by phone number (708) 529-9797 for a stress free move!